Thursday, November 02, 2006


While out late one night, my date and I decided to head back home. Being an "out of towner", she drove and as she took a turn on a quiet side street she missed the stop sign. Our luck, flashes from a trooper light up the area and we pull over. My date was frantic. She was searching through the clutter of clenexes and papers from the glove compartment as the trooper stood by her window with his flashlight on her face. Finally she handed it to him with her hands shaking and he began to inspect.

Never one to miss out on a humorous moment, and seeing her at such an unease, I casually said to the trooper "Officer, I think she had a bit to drink..."

Well, after passing the officer's DUI tests of walking in a straight line, counting backward and other classic questions, we were released with a warning.

As she dropped me off, with not a word said since the pullover, I asked her if I pushed the line. Without missing a beat, she replied "What you did and said can and will be used against you."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:58 PM, November 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did u get a second date! ;)

2:15 AM, December 28, 2006  

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I love sleep so much, sleep is the first thing I think about when I wake up --SB